International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Managementに下記の論文が採録決定(2021年3月19日)になりました.このジャーナルは技術経営系の専門誌で,世界最大規模の技術経営の国際会議PICMETの推奨ジャーナルとしても機能しています.
"Critical success factors in adoption of wearable technology devices for seniors in Thailand"
Shayarath Srizongkhram and Kunio Shirahada
Vol. 18, No. 4, Article No. 2150020, Year 2021.
DOI: 10.1142/S0219877021500206
The adoption of wearable devices has been proposed as a promising approach to improve the well-being of seniors in Thai care services. This study aims to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) in adopting wearable technologies from the stakeholder perspective. We collected data from 27 participants in three groups of stakeholders: formal caregivers, informal caregivers, and seniors. By using a grounded theory approach, we identified four types of CSFs in according to devices and stakeholders’ viewpoints. This study also considers how to develop wearable devices that satisfy stakeholder requirements and thus improve their well-being.