Journal publication 情報

Barriers to Elderly Consumers’ Use of Support Services: Community Support in Japan’s Super-Aged Society

By Ho Quang Bach and Kunio Shirahada

Journal: Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing



Rural areas need support services to help elderly people sustain their ordinary lives, especially in light of today’s aging societies. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the barriers preventing the use of such support services. We combine qualitative and quantitative methods to show that there are three such barriers—lifestyle, capability, and trust—and discuss how to overcome such issues. As societies continue to age and highly accessible services become ever more necessary, the findings of our study will be applicable not only in Japan but across the world.

Shirahada Lab.

北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 知識科学系 白肌研究室 Well-being志向のサービス学 Transformative Service Research (TSR)を推進.