Accept for publication in IJITM
PICMET Journalとして知られているInternational Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM)に下記の論文が採録されることになりました.同誌は新しいエディタを迎え,これから少しずつ認知度が上がっていくものと思われます.これまでは査読期間が長すぎることから若干敬遠されてきたきらいがあります.
ただ,今回の論文はジャーナルのImpact Factorうんぬんよりも,シェアードリーダーシップの発生過程を会話分析を通じて,チーム内で行われるコミュニケーションプロセスの変化から明らかにしている点で独創的だと私自身は考えています.会話分析の成果を如何に客観的に示すかにおいて,かなりの試行錯誤をしましたが,計量テキスト分析でトライしたのが今回の成果です.
タイトル:Emergent Process of Shared Leadership for Innovative Knowledge Creation: Text-Mining Approach to Discussion Data
著者:Miwa Nishinaka and Kunio Shirahada
The following paper has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM), also known as PICMET Journal. The journal has a new editor and is expected to gradually gain recognition. The journal has been somewhat avoided in the past due to the excessive length of the peer-review period.
However, I think this paper is more original and significant in that it clarifies the process of shared leadership from the viewpoint of changes in the communication process within a team through conversation analysis, rather than from the viewpoint of the journal itself. It took a great deal of trial and error to objectively show the results of the conversation analysis, but we tried to do so through quantitative text analysis.
Title: Emergent Process of Shared Leadership for Innovative Knowledge Creation: Text-Mining Approach to Discussion Data
Authors: Miwa Nishinaka and Kunio Shirahada